Seasonal Challenges Week 2
Season 16
Operation Elbrus: Week 2
- Challenger XP
- Insight
Tug of War
- Challenger XP+++
Weapon of Shape I
- Challenger XP
Back Home Again
- Challenger XP+
- Bright Dust
Lost in the Legend
- Challenger XP+
- Bright Dust
Close-Range Calibration
- Challenger XP+
- Bright Dust
Bank, Kill, Repeat
- Challenger XP+
- Bright Dust
Flourish of Power
- Challenger XP+
- Bright Dust
Scorn Pest Control
- Challenger XP+
- Bright Dust
Witch Queen has finally launched and so has a new Season!
Season 16: Season of the Risen is officially upon us which also means the return of fresh Seasonal Challenges.
If you felt the pain having to play catch up with Season 12-15 Seasonal Challenges, now is a good time to knock out week one and get off to a strong start.
Week 1’s challenges are pretty straightforward and doable solo. However, do keep in mind that as we are still in the beginning of the Power Level reset, many enemies may be Power Level 1390+ for some activities/areas.
Additionally, purchase of the Season Pass may be required for completion of some challenges.
Completing these challenges are another great way of pushing through the Season Pass, and leveling up to the soft cap.
New challenges drop every Tuesday for the weekly reset, so be sure to check back!
How does the service work
- Once you place your order, you will be redirected to your personal Service Dashboard and receive a notification link to your email
- Your CarryAssistant chatbot will assign an available booster who suits best for your order within minutes, literally
- Booster will join your Dashboard chat and from now on you are in safe hands
- No waiting and unnecessary chatting with managers, unless you have any questions
- When the order will be finished, you CarryAssistant will notify you immediately via your Dashboard and an email
- If you choose Self-Play option, your booster will plan the service according to your time schedule
- We don’t use any programs or cheats during boosts. All services are done by hands
Players MUST have purchased the Season Pass to access some activities and objectives
Challenge Requirements:
Operation Elbrus: Week 2
- Complete Week 2 of Operation Elbrus
- Defeat combatants in PsiOps Battlegrounds. Defeated Champions grant bonus progress.
Tug Of War
- Defeat a Hive Warden of the Spring and a Scorn Lightflayer in the Wellspring
Weapon of Shape I
- Craft a weapon using the weapon crafting system
Run the Worms
- Complete the Exotic quest “Of Queens and Worms”
Back Home Again
- In the Cosmodrome, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.
Lost In The Legend
- Complete a Lost Sector on Legend or higher
Close-Range Calibration
- Calibrate close-range weapons Sidearms, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Glaives, and Swords in the Cosmodrome. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating combatants.
- MUST have a Sidearm, Submachine Gun, Shotgun, Glaive, or Sword on character or in Vault.
Bank, Kill, Repeat
- Earn points by banking Motes, defeating Blockers, and defeating Guardians in Gambit.
Flourish Of Power
- Defeat Guardians in the Mayhem playlist with Super abilities
Scorn Pest Control
- Defeat Scorn combatants in Vanguard playlists or strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants
If you have questions
Feel free to ask any questions in our chat. We are glad to help you, and our Squad will always find you the best service and the deadliest gun for your Guardian!