overwatch Volume 3 of the Overwatch Anniversary Remix has Just Begun Everything you need to know going into Overwatch’s 3rd and final Anniversary Remix
overwatch Overwatch’s Anniversary Remix has Begun Again What to expect from the 6th anniversary of Overwatch
overwatch Overwatch League Countdown Cup Hero Pools Make Surprising Bans to Selection The Hero Pools have been released ahead of the Overwatch League Countdown Cup.
overwatch Overwatch Summer Games Announced The Overwatch Summer Games 2021 event launches tomorrow and runs until August 10th.
overwatch Overwatch Competitive Season 29 Now Live Season 29 is live until September 1st, bringing a round of nerfs, buffs, and more.
overwatch Deadlock Challenge Coming to Overwatch Ashe's Deadlock Challenge will bring new event challenges and rewards starting June 22.
overwatch Blizzard Announces Highly Anticipated Overwatch Update Blizzard announces a highly anticipated Overwatch update half a decade in the making.
overwatch Overwatch Anniversary Event Wraps Up as Players Prepare for Summer Games As the Overwatch Anniversary event comes to a close, players anxiously await what Blizzard has in store next.
overwatch Overwatch Testing Risky Changes for Fan Favorite Heroes A new patch brings a new round of nerfs and buffs to 5 heroes - Zarya, Baptiste, McCree, Moira, and Reaper.
Competitive Overwatch Overwatch Anniversary Event Week 2 - Bird of Paradise Challenge and More! The 2nd week of the Overwatch Anniversary Event begins today, bringing a new weekly challenge for players to obtain some exotic cosmetics for Echo.
Battlenet Featured Overwatch Anniversary Event Brings Groovy New Cosmetics & More The Overwatch Anniversary Event is back, and you know what that means! It's time to grind for those legendary loot boxes and unlock those Cosmetics you've been eyeing up or may have missed during a season event. Through June 8, log in and let the festivities begin!
Competitive Overwatch Featured Overwatch Season 28 is Here! With a new season of Overwatch having just begun, it's time to get your placement matches in and climb that ladder to the top.
Competitive Overwatch Take a Step Back Through Time with the Overwatch Archives Event The limited time Archives Event is here, but time is quickly running out to take advantage of it! This event sees new skins, victory poses, and more - as well as the return of previously available limited time Archives items.
overwatch Blizzard's 'Overwatch' Tests Genji Nerfs & Changes to Moira The experimental card is live again in Overwatch following the latest update. Per the patch notes, the development team testing a small Genji nerfs and bigger changes for Moira. Genji's Shurikens deal less damage on the experimental card | BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENTMany players feel Genji is too powerful, so the
overwatch Overwatch League Weekend May 2 - 3 A new hero joins the fray as the May Tournament kicks off and cross-regional play is enabled This weekend’s Overwatch League matches will be full of new experiences for both players and fans. Echo, the game’s newest hero, is now eligible to play in the Overwatch League. Some
overwatch Overwatch Winter Wonderland The latest seasonal event, Winter Wonderland, went live Tuesday, Dec. 10, on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One versions of the game.