Overwatch Anniversary Event Week 2 - Bird of Paradise Challenge and More!
The 2nd week of the Overwatch Anniversary Event begins today, bringing a new weekly challenge for players to obtain some exotic cosmetics for Echo.

The 2nd week of the Overwatch Anniversary Event begins today, bringing a new weekly challenge for players to obtain some exotic cosmetics for Echo. In addition, some new information regarding Overwatch 2 has been revealed! Read on to learn how to obtain the new cosmetics and learn how the game is changing.
By this point, hopefully you've been able to secure the Ana Cybermedic event skin, completing 27 matches throughout the past week. As the new week begins, we'll be given a new set of challenges, this time focusing on Echo.
The first 9 games of the week in Arcade, Quick Play, or Competitive will reward you with the new Anniversary Echo player icon. At 18 wins, you'll receive an anniversary spray, and at 27, the coveted Bird of Paradise skin. While this vibrant skin may not be the best for camouflage, it does a great job at incorporating the theme while maintaining the Hero's silhouette. Remember - wins count as 2 matches, so with some hard work (or the help of the CarrySquad's Overwatch Boosting) you can obtain this limited skin in only 14 matches.

With the Anniversary event and the ongoing Overwatch League matches to keep us busy, Blizzard has been hard at work on Overwatch 2.With a livestream event outlining the new PvP economy, we were able to catch a glimpse at how Overwatch 2 is changing the hit game.
The biggest and probably most controversial change to the game is the loss of a tank role. Gone are the days of 6v6 matches with 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 2 DPS's, Blizzard is mixing things up by moving to a 5v5 environment. Teams will now consist of 1 tank, 2 DPS's, and 2 healers.
This change is sure to shake up much of the economy and how players took advantage of their favorite heroes, learning their advantages and disadvantages. Blizzard hasn't left us completely in the dark though, allowing the players to glean some information about coming character tweaks.

The first details are for Reinhardt. Not only will he gain an additional Firestrike ability, but players will have the ability to cancel his charge before hitting an object. This change will surely increase his mobility and versatility on the battlefield. Another tank seeing a change is Zarya, giving her two barrier shields to give allies or herself. Finally, some changes are coming for Mei. her freeze gun will no longer freeze enemies in place, but will slow them and continue to deal damage.

More details are sure to come as development on Overwatch 2 continues, but until then, the demicade hit game continues to deliver new content and challenges to keep players busy. Looking to boost your Overwatch Competitive Rank? Trying to grab that Bird of Paradise skin, or get Weekly Loot Boxes? Let the CarrySquad help!
Sources: DotESports by Scott Robertson