Destiny 2 The Best Ways to Grind 'Destiny 2' Solstice Armor Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to Destiny 2’s annual Solstice armor grind,
Apex Legends Featured 'Apex Legends' season six trailer teasers Apex Legends Season 6 launches August 18th! A brief reveal is provided with focus on Respawn
overwatch Blizzard's 'Overwatch' Tests Genji Nerfs & Changes to Moira The experimental card is live again in Overwatch following the latest update. Per the patch notes, the development team testing a small Genji nerfs and bigger changes for Moira. Genji's Shurikens deal less damage on the experimental card | BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENTMany players feel Genji is too powerful, so the changes should
Apex Legends Featured Apex Legends Bug Makes Looting Impossible Apex Legends players have run into a new bug that is preventing them from looting death boxes and via Loba’s ultimate ability even when they already have loot in their inventory.
Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris is Live. July 10th Rewards Trials of Osiris is back in Destiny 2. Saint-14 is the new Trials vendor and announcer, and players can find him and his wares in the Tower Hangar every Friday at reset.
Destiny 2 Destiny 2 Moments of Triumph 2020 Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals‘ latest weekly reset brings the Moments of Triumph for 2020. Players will be able to complete certain requirements to grab a few rewards such as ghost shells, sparrows, emblems, and, of course, the “MMXX” title or seal. Here’s our guide to help you out.
season of the worthy Season of the Worthy Ending Soon. Two Things To Do Now. Be Prepared for Anything Everyone has come to the conclusion that yes, this was a pretty bad season of Destiny 2 overall.
Destiny 2 Destiny 2 Patch Fixes Broken Exotics & Felwinter's Lie Update Destiny 2 saw a small patch on Tuesday afternoon, designed to fix some long-broken Exotics and an XP bug. Bungie also gave an update on the bugged “The Lie” quest, where players will eventually earn the returning Felwinter’s Lie shotgun.
Destiny 2 Featured Destiny 2 Year 4. A New Raid Awaits Guardians Bungie's blog post was focused on Destiny 2 rewards, including confirmation that the next raid will feature a lot for players to collect.
overwatch Overwatch League Weekend May 2 - 3 A new hero joins the fray as the May Tournament kicks off and cross-regional play is enabled This weekend’s Overwatch League matches will be full of new experiences for both players and fans. Echo, the game’s newest hero, is now eligible to play in the Overwatch League. Some
Apex Legends Meet Loba of Apex Legends Apex Legends is gearing up to release a new legend into the game very soon, going by the name Loba. While she may be coming to the game for the first time in a matter of weeks, we saw her for the first time during Revenant’s reveal trailer.
Destiny 2 'Destiny 2': Choose Your Class In The Guardian Games It’s time for some class warfare. The fun kind! Today, Bungie is debuting the Guardian Games [], a brand-new event for the world that pits Warlocks, Titans and Hunters against each other to put their money where there mouths are after years of trash-talking each other.
eSports Featured eSports To Pivot Into Online Only Events An opportunity to deliver a new level of engagement in eSports competitive events presents itself in today's remote live, work and play social environment.
season of the worthy CarrySquad launches Warmind Bits Farming Service For Season of the Worthy Day 1. It appears, the currency for D2 Season of the Worthy is the Warmind Bit []. You'll need it for most activities purchased through Rasputin: EDZ. Accumulating a forge of bits will prove valuable for Guardians looking to develop their character in the unfolding
Season of the Dawn End of Season Cleanup. Get Your Gear Before It's Gone Season of Dawn ends March 9th, with Season of the Worthy off to a strong start with the return of the Trials of Osiris on March 13th. Assets specific to Season of Dawn will not be available once the seasons change
trials of osiris Featured The History of Trials With Destiny 2’s recent community event, the Empyrean Foundation, players rebuilt the original Destiny’s Lighthouse, and revealed a new video from Bungie, announcing the return of Trials of Osiris.
Destiny 2 Crimson Days 2020 Announced by Bungie for February 11th Reset Valentine’s Day is approaching, Destiny 2’s Lord Shaxx is bringing the season of love back to the tower. Bungie reveals the details for 2020’s Crimson Days event in Destiny 2, which runs Feb. 11-18.
Destiny 2 Featured Destiny 2's Empyrean Foundation Quest. Let's Get Started Destiny 2's next piece of content in the Season of Dawn has arrived. The weekly reset on Tuesday, February 4, marks the beginning of the Empyrean Foundation quest, an item that was on Bungie's roadmap for this season.
Destiny 2 Featured Empyrean Foundation Event Launches Next Week Bungie's Thursday blog post teased us with the mysterious Empyrean Foundation event. It’s been on the Destiny 2 calendar all season, but there were previously no details about the event itself.
season of the worthy Trials of Osiris To Return In New Season of the Worthy With Destiny 2 [] patch 2.7.1 [] , Bungie added plenty of new files to the game’s database. Data miners often dig into these files to reveal new content coming to the game. In
Season of the Dawn New Quest, "Explore The Corridors of Time" A new, secret quest has appeared in Destiny 2 []: “Exploring the Corridors of Time .” If you want to participate, you need to speak to Osiris and head back into the Corridors of Time and explore a new maze. Osiris wants you to complete
Season of the Dawn This Week in Destiny 2 It’s been quite a year. While Bungie continued to build Destiny 2, they began the journey to publish it as well. Since then, Guardians have mastered the Menagerie in Season of Opulence.
overwatch Overwatch Winter Wonderland The latest seasonal event, Winter Wonderland, went live Tuesday, Dec. 10, on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One versions of the game.
Season of the Dawn Featured Season of the Dawn Preparations. Get Ready To Time Travel with Osiris Destiny 2 Season of the Undying [] will be closing out on December 10, making way for Season of Dawn. After defeating the Undying Mind in every possible timeline, we’ve done something to time on Mercury. Thanks to the Vex, the Red
Solstice of Heroes Armor Will Be Our First Shadowkeep Set Bungie releases a significant dump of Destiny 2: Soltice of Heroes info, which begins next week. The event introduces an entirely new activity called the European Aerial Zone, where players hop around float rocks to kill mini-bosses and open up chests. A system of elemental orbs is expected: * Enough solar