Destiny 2 Annual Winter-Themed Event 'The Dawning' Returns
The Dawning 2022 event is now live in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph from December 13 - January 3

Happy Holidays Guardians! As Winter approaches, Eva Levante has returned to the Tower for the annual Dawning event. There's much to do and not a lot of time to do it, so let's dive in to what Guardians can expect from this holiday season's festivities.

Head to the Tower, now decked-out for this limited time event, where you'll find Eva Levante waiting for you. Destiny 2's lovable grandma will ask for your aid in baking Cookies to hand out to various NPC's. Guardians will be given a list of Materials and Essence of Dawning that can be collected from various Enemies and Activities. Once you've gathered all your ingredients, simply pop them in Eva Levante's Holiday Oven to make various sweet treats.
After baking your first treat in the Holiday Oven, Eva will present you with her full inventory. Here, players can obtain Dawning Bounties, items, upgrades, and the Event Card Challenges. Weekly Bounties will reward players with Essence of Dawning and Bright Dust, Daily Bounties grant different Materials, and Additional Bounties offer a combination of Materials and Bright Dust.

To earn even more rewards, Guardians can turn their attention to the Event Card once obtained. By completing Event Card Challenges, players can obtain weapons and rewards from all of the events of Dawning past, as well as new additions like the Stay Frosty pulse rifle. All Dawning weapons will come with the Dawning Surprise trait, so make sure you grab any weapons you may already have to ensure you get your hands on the new trait. In addition to the event weapons, there will be 2 event ships and 2 Sparrows that players can grab during the Dawning. Players also have a chance of nabbing any of these rewards from A Gift in Return boxes, occassionally rewarded from NPC's in exchange for their holiday Cookies.
While not included in the event card, this year's Dawning event also brings a new set of armor to the mix for Guardians to get their hands on. The armor can be purchased from the Eververse store, but if you don't want to shell out the cash, have no fear! Bright Dust can be exchanged for the armor set, and as luck would have it, Guardians can earn Bright Dust during the event by completing Dawning Bounties from Eva Levante. The Dawning 2022 event runs from December 13 2022 - January 3 2023.