
Season 19 Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes

Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes have returned to Destiny 2 in Season of the Seraph. Play with the best and earn your Conqueror Title & Seal.

2 years ago

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Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes made their return to Destiny 2 during Season of The Seraph on the January 17th reset. This provides Guardians with another shot at earning the Conqueror Seal and Title.

As one of the most intense pieces of end-game content in D2, GMs will require you to utilize strategies similar to those found in Master Dungeons.


Optimization of loadouts, mods, and your choice of fireteam will be the major keys in your triumph over Grandmasters.

There are six (6) GMs in total to conquer and they are as follows:

Grandmaster Nightfalls will be available from January 17th 2023 - February 28th, 2023


Conqueror Seal

In order to obtain and gild the Grandmaster Conqueror title, Guardians will need to complete a series of Triumphs in a single season.

Upon completion of the six (6) triumphs tied to completion of all six GMs, players will be awarded a seventh (7th) triumph; "Total Conquest". Following those seven triumphs, there are an additional three (3) to complete:

Once Guardians have completed all ten (10) triumphs, they will have unlocked the Conqueror Seal and Title and will then be permitted to gild it.

Grandmaster Nightfalls will be available from January 17th 2023 - February 28th, 2023


Bri Crane

Published 2 years ago