A Sudden Attack and/or Seizure of Some Objective

In video games like Destiny 2, Raids are missions in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) where players attempt to defeat each other (PvP), or digital enemies (NPC, or Non-Player Characters) within the game environment, also known as PVE. The term comes from military use which means "a sudden attack and/or seizure". You can find more details on all the Destiny 2 Raids CarrySquad provides carry services for.
In Destiny 2, a Raid is a game mode consisting of team missions that are highly challenging and require communications between the players to triumph. Each raid requires 6 players.
List of Destiny 2 Raids
- King's Fall
- Vow of the Disciple
- Master Vow of the Disciple
- Vault of Glass
- Prophecy Dungeon
- Crown of Sorrow
- Garden of Salvation
- Deep Stone Crypt
- Last Wish
The Return of the Taken King - King's Fall
First introduced in The Taken King expansion in D1, Guardians will once again dive into the Dreadnaught, Oryx's flagship to battle the Taken King himself.
King's Fall's is currently live and free to play for all Destiny 2 players. Guardians can access the raid by going to their "Destinations" tab and clicking on "Legends".
The Latest and Old Raid - Vault of Glass
The Vault of Glass Raid was first released in Destiny in 2014 and was released again in Destiny 2 in May 2021. You will need a team to complete the raid, of which there are two difficulty levels available:
- Master Difficult Vault of Glass,. Weekly reward lockouts are shared between both Normal and Master difficulties of Vault of Glass. Encounters, challenges, and hidden chests will only award gear the first time you complete them in either activity each week. They must be completed at Master difficulty first to earn Timelost weapons and stat-focused armor.
- Vault of Glass. Starting May 22, 2021 players can take on the Vex inside the mysterious Vault of Glass raid. Challenges awaiting players inside the Vault include a battle against Atheon, Time’s Conflux.