
Destiny 2 Weekly Reset: May 14, 2024 – What's New This Week

Guardians, another week has arrived in Destiny 2, bringing with it a fresh set of activities, rewards, and challenges. As always, the weekly reset occurs every Tuesday, and this week is no exception. Let's dive into the details of what's in store for you this week:

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The weekly reset has arrived in Destiny 2, bringing a host of new activities, challenges, and rewards for players to tackle. Here's what's new this week:

Zero Hour Exotic mission returns

Zero Hour is a timed exotic mission from Destiny 2's Season of the Drifter that is returning in this week's reset on May 14th, 2024. Here are the key details:

Zero Hour was highly praised when first released for its engaging gameplay and rewarding loot. Its return has been eagerly anticipated by veteran Destiny 2 players.

PantheonRhulk Indomitable

Pantheon, an exciting new limited-time PVE game mode. This intense arena pits your fireteam against relentless hordes of AI enemies across a unique battleground, pushing your teamwork and strategic prowess to the max. Rumor has it that completing Pantheon rewards will grant you access to the rare Superblack shader, so completionists, get your grind on!

Core Activity Rotations

Wrapping It Up

Guardians, there's so much to unpack with this April 30th reset! Whether you're diving into the Pantheon, battling for supremacy in Iron Banner, or experimenting in the Crucible, there's something for everyone in this week's Destiny 2 update.

Remember, you can find a detailed breakdown of the weekly rotations on Bungie's official website.

Let us know what you're most excited about in the comments! See you starside!


Published 10 months ago