Destiny 2 Weekly Reset, New Iron Banner - New Rewards System, Garden of Salvation Raid Gear and an Armor 2.0 Mod List This week we've got the 10/5 Weekly Reset, the first Iron Banner of Year 3, a review of all the Raid gear so far and a complete Armor 2.0 mod list.
Season of The Undying Season of the Undying Calendar Revealed and Shadowkeep Weapon Balance News This week Bungie announced dates for all the upcoming Season of the Undying content, and provided some new information about what to expect from weapon balancing come Shadowkeep.
Year3 Armor 2.0 Element-Type Weapon-Set Mod Restrictions Explained. There Are Also General Mods. Armor 2.0 Element-Type Weapon-Set Mod Restrictions Explained. Solar, Arc and Void
armor Shadowkeep Storage Space Revealed, plus a Reminder that the Solstice Armor 'Defeat 100 Mini-Bosses' Parameter Gets Halved This Week. So recent Bungie e-mails and storage space indicators at online retail stores seem to be confirming that Shadowkeep's download size will be 165GB.
destiny2 Solstice of Heroes, Year 2 - Your Guide to Upgrades, Orbs, Buffs and Solstice Packages If you're still uncertain about any of the details regarding the festival - where to go, how to get your full depleted armor set, what that set can become and step by step instructions on how to do it - don't worry, we've got you covered.