Destiny 2: The Witch Queen

Witch Queen

Take back the Light and drive back The Witch Queen, Savathun's Lucent Brood and unravel the source of Savathun and her brood's newfound power. Uncover more secrets surrounding the mysterious Pyramids.

Players will have access to a new destination, new weapons, a new raid, and more with The Witch Queen expansion.

With the addition of new abilities and a weapon crafting system, Guardians will be able to customize their gameplay in a whole new way.

Will you drown in The Deep or rise from it?

Take Back the Light: The Witch Queen


Base Rewards:

  • Glimmer
  • Psychogenic Intel
  • XP
  • Double rewards (Legendary Campaign exclusive)
  • Free Exotic (Legendary Campaign exclusive)
  • New Emblem (Legendary Campaign exclusive)
  • Destination Reputation (Throne World)

Possible Rewards:

  • New Veritas armor set
  • Collective Obligation Void Exotic Pulse Rifle (Raid exclusive)
  • Funnelweb kinetic SMG, deemed The Recluse 2.0
  • Powerful and Pinnacle rewards

       And more.