The Celestial Sunrise Dawns on Apex Legends
Everything you need to know about Apex Legends’ Celestial Sunrise Collection Event

With a new year comes new challenges, new opportunities, new experiences, and of course, a new Apex Legends Collection Event. The Celestial sun has risen with the new Celestial Sunrise event, running until the seventh of February. The Event includes a new limited-time mode, 24 limited-time cosmetics, and special deals in the Apex Legends store.
The new limited-time mode for the Celestial Sunrise event is called Hardcore Royale. Is the day-by-day grind for survival too easy for you? Are you yawning as you rack in kill after kill? Are you at least level 20? If you answered yes to all these questions, Hardcore might be just what you’re looking for. When you first drop into a hardcore match, you might notice several things. First of all, your HUD has been reduced to the bare necessities, so be sure to count your shots or you might find yourself trying to attack with an empty mag. Armor has also been stripped back to the bare essentials. Only white armor will be available, and no helmets allowed, so taking damage is more dangerous than ever and you’re always vulnerable to a lucky headshot. And if that wasn’t enough, the ring will be putting out maximum damage from round 1, so dancing around the outskirts is more likely to get you killed than ever before.

With all the increased risk of Hardcore mode, there are also rewards to be found. The Celestial Sunrise reward tracker will count up all the progress you make in collecting everything that this event has to offer. Players can collect up to 1,600 points per day via daily challenges, and those points can unlock stat trackers, Holos, and Weapon charms, all the way up to the Epic R-99 weapon skin: Floral Fireshow. In addition to the tracker rewards are the 24 limited-time cosmetics on offer, including Legendary skins for Ash, Caustic, Octane, and Pathfinder. These cosmetics can be found in Celestial Sunrise packs or unlocked using either Apex Coins or Crafting Metals. All Epic rewards will cost 1,000 coins or 800 metals, and all Legendary rewards will cost 1,800 coins or 2,400 metals. And, as an added bonus for collecting them all, players will be awarded the Jadeite Retribution Reactive Peacekeeper skin, along with the Legendary Holo Happy New Year, and the Legendary Weapon skin Crystal Sigil.

The Celestial Sunrise event is currently ongoing but will be sunset by February 7th, so make sure you grab all these prizes while they last. During the collection event, the Apex store will also be running some special offers, letting fans nab some additional collectibles at a discounted price, such as the Lion’s Guard and Opalescent Serpent Bundle as well as the Wise Warrior Bundle. But don’t worry, the fun won’t stop when the Collection event does, as the brand new LTM called Date Night will be premiering right after the event closes. See you on the battlefield Legends!