Shadowkeep 24 Hour Warning!
10/1 is the day we've all been been waiting for since, well, the day Bungie announced that Shadowkeep was delayed to 10/1.

So 10/1 is the day we've all been waiting for since, well, the day Bungie announced that Shadowkeep was delayed to 10/1. That's all in the past now. All is forgiven. If tomorrow goes as planned. And remember, there's going to be a lot of New Light players out there not knowing what to do, so please be helpful and curteous to newcomers. We want to keep the Destiny 2 community one of the best. If you do get frustrated, take it out in the Crucible. Which, funnily enough, probably won't be against newcomers for very long given the new TrueSkill matchmaking system.
So when exactly can you play? Below are the promised times, per time zone. Remember these are the promised times. Servers are down today to prepare for the launch, so fingers crossed they're back up in time.
- Pacific Daylight Time: 10 a.m.
- Central Time: 12 p.m.
- Eastern Daylight Time: 1 p.m.
- Greenwich Mean Time: 5 p.m.
- British Summer Time: 6 p.m.
- Central European Summer Time: 7 p.m.
The Last TWAB of Year 2
Bungie dropped their final 'This Week At Bungie' for Year 2. Nothing too significant that we didn't already know, but some interesting details to consider for tomorrow, broken down into easy to read catergories. There's summaries of how higher-level PvE combants are going to work (30-40 levels above you will be easier, 100 levels above you will be invulernable), how Power leveling now works (Prime Engrams are changing), the new Eververse economy and more, so check it out if you have a moment.
Other than that, see you all on the other side of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Year 3, Season 8 aka Season of the Undying, New Years Day!