Overwatch’s Anniversary Remix has Begun Again
What to expect from the 6th anniversary of Overwatch

The first Beta for Overwatch 2 might have ended, but the original Overwatch is still going as strong as ever. To mark 6 years of play, Overwatch is celebrating with three volumes of the Overwatch Anniversary Remix, and Volume 2 has just begun. So while we all wait until June 16th for another peek at how Overwatch 2 is developing, let’s take a look at what’s happening with the Overwatch Anniversary Remix, and what you might be able to snag for your Heroes.
Several Season specific brawls are back in rotation during the event, with each day focusing on a specific season. Each one will get three days in the spotlight, after that they’ll once again leave rotation. The Remix starts with Winter Wonderland, the Mei main event that has heroes shooting snowballs, fighting yeti’s and thawing allies in 4 different themed events. Next up is the Year of the Tiger lunar new year event, with two variations of capture the flag, and the king of the hill inspired Bounty Hunter mode. Overwatch Archives is next, allowing Heroes to relive story missions and challenge modes, followed by 2 variants of Lucioball from the Summer games. The rotation ends with the Junkrat focused Halloween Terror season. Halloween Terror comes with two variations of base defense modes, one winnable and one infinite, along with 6 challenge modes that add everything from exploding enemies to randomized heroes to the mix.
Along with the daily events, the anniversary remix also comes with weekly rewards. Each week has three tiers of rewards, and a focus on a specific hero. The hero for the first week is Mercy, playing 9 games will earn you the Dr. Ziegler icon. 18 Games will get you 2 sprays, Lab coat and Evaluation. After 27 games during the week, you’ll unlock the Legendary Dr. Ziegler skin. The following two weeks share the same structure. Ashe is the focus of week 2, with 2 player icons; Mardi Gras Ashe and Bob, along with a Gold Mask spray and the Epic Mardi Gras skin. Sigma is the focus of the third and final week, where players can earn the Maestro player Icon, emote, and Legendary skin.

Along with the weekly reward skins, during the three weeks of the weekly remix, players will be able to earn over 50 different Legendary or Epic skins and over 30 legendary emotes. With so much to do, and so much to unlock, there’s sure to be plenty of Overwatch in our future, even before the next beta release. The Overwatch Anniversary Remix will last until June 7th. Until then, happy brawling Heroes!