Last Y2 Weekly Reset, Shadowkeep Updates: TrueSkill Matchmaking, Weapon Mods, Raid Contest Weekend, Available Campaign Content on 10/1
One week till Shadowkeep. One week till New Light. One week till we celebrate New Years Day for Destiny 2 Year 3.

Here we are. One week till Shadowkeep. One week till New Light. One week till we celebrate New Years Day for Destiny 2 Year 3. Till everybody gets to try out the boat load of tweaks, changes, nerfs and buffs that will lay the foundation for the future of the franchise. 7 days till Bungie literally gives us the moon. So complete your side-quests in Borderlands 3 and put away your alarms for Modern Warfare (it's a month away), because next week belongs to Destiny 2.
Weekly Reset (9/24/19)
This is the last Weekly Reset of Year 2. If you planned on grabbing/doing something before Year 3, better do it quick! Link is at the bottom of the blog, as per usual.
Competitive Matchmaking 'True Skill' System Explained
We know heading into Shadowkeep that Competitive Crucible is going to be replaced with 3v3 Survival, which also rewards Glory. We also know there's going to be a Solo Queue so single players won't randomly find themselves up against a coordinated team and get stomped. But I was still a little fuzzy on the whole Matchmaking TrueSkull system. Now we know exactly how that's going to work.
Your skill rating is continually adjusted based on your performance, shifting the Glory system's understanding of your 'expected' Glory rank, and pulling you quickly towards that rank. If your current Glory rank is below where your skill rating says you should be, you'll earn extra Glory so you get to your expected rank much faster and lose less Glory, so you don't fall farther away. Once you reach your "expected" rank, Glory gains and losses will normalize. The result should be that your Glory rank will become an accurate reflection of your skill much quicker than before.
This is not ELO skill ranking. It's not the results of 3 or 5 matches averaged. Your skill rating is evaluated every minute. So how you play every round, every moment, counts. This may sound like a system that only rewards skilled PvP players, but in fairness it's great for average Joes too. The skilled players will get pulled to the top Glory Rank tiers much faster, and be matched with other experts, while those with average PvP skills/Glory Ranks will get matched with similarly skilled players. Theoretically everyone should be happy.
Weapon Mods Becoming Unlockables
Quick reminder that this is your last week to acquire Weapon Mods. Remember: Only Weapon Mods in your inventory will be converted to permenant unlocks come October 1st. There are 16 Weapon Mods in total available from 3 sources (Banshee, Ada and the Last Wish raid). If you're missing a few and don't have time to track them all down before next Tuesday, let Carry Squad help you out!
Head here for more information >
Contest Mode for the new Shadowkeep Raid

On Saturday, October 5, Guardians will venture into a new raid: Garden of Salvation.
Contest mode will be active for the first 24 hours of the raid, similar to the Crown of Sorrow World First competition. While Contest is active, players will face an enforced challenge throughout the raid. Power beyond certain levels will provide no additional advantage for a given fight (e.g., for the first fight, Power above 890 doesn’t provide an advantage, and for the final fight, Power above 920 doesn’t provide an advantage).
After the 24-hour period ends, Bungie will disable Contest mode, and players can take full advantage of their higher Power to overcome the raid's challenges. Bungie will reward the victors of this challenge with a custom-made Garden of Salvation World First Belt.
PC players migrating to Steam should be aware that there will be a delay in the transfer of their Destiny 2: Forsaken licenses from to Steam. Examples of Forsaken content that will not be available to migrated PC players during this window:
- Forsaken campaign missions
- Forsaken quest content
- The Last Wish raid
- The Shattered Throne dungeon
What will be available (also to New Light players)
- Gambit playlist activities
- Forsaken strikes in strike playlist activities
- Forsaken maps in Crucible playlist activities
- Patrols on the Tangled Shore destination
- Patrols on the Dreaming City destination
In addition New Light will impact existing progress for Year One content (the Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and Forsaken campaigns). On October 1, after Destiny 2 Update 2.6.0 rolls out, players who have not completed any of the above Destiny 2 campaigns will have their progress toward that campaign reset. For example: any player who has not completed the Forsaken campaign will have to restart that campaign after 2.6.0 maintenance on October 1.
It’s worth noting, however, that most endgame activities will generally be available to players as soon as they unlock their corresponding destinations. This is as a part of the accelerated player progression that will be introduced with New Light.
And that's it for now. If there's any more grand revelations before Shadowkeep drops you'll them here.