Weekly Reset (August 27th) and Other Matters
It's Tuesday and that means time for the Weekly Reset, along with some other minor updates.

Things end, Things begin, Things remain the same
It's Tuesday and that means time for the Weekly Reset, along with some other minor updates.
First of all, my favorite way to digest the Weekly Reset information is in the form of this easy-to-read infographic, created by Discord user Niris.tv.
The countdown clock says it's 34 days till Shadowkeep. I knew things were going to slow down in the run up to October 1st, but I do hope there's a little more to do than Bungie's September calendar would imply. Maybe we'll get some new Story, Strike, or Activity details? Fingers crossed.
Solstice of Heroes ends today. The European Aerial Zone is gone, and players will no longer be able to upgrade their Uncommon (Drained) or Rare (Renewed) Solstice of Heroes armor sets. Players who have unlocked the Legendary (Majestic) armor sets may continue to complete objectives and masterwork their armor after Solstice of Heroes concludes.
In place, the Iron Banner is back. Increased Valor returns, while Moments of Triumph has been extended through September 17.

Quick reminder that there's a Community Challenge taking place on Mars, September 3rd, 10AM PDT to September 10th, 10 AM PDT. That's just one week for Destiny 2 players to come together and kill time waiting for Shadowkeep by:
- Defeating 175,000 Wave 7 Escalation Protocol bosses
- Defeating 300,000,000 Hive on Mars
- Completing Mars Nightfalls (Defeat Nokris 150,000 times, Defeat Xol 100,000 times)
- Using 300,000 Override Frequencies
The good news is that when I say collectively, I mean players on all platforms. So, what do we recieve in exchange for these feats of collaborative accomplishment? Over to Bungie: "If all objectives are completed during the event, any player to complete at least one Nightfall will be granted a unique emblem, granted to only those who rose to the Mars challenge."

"This also serves as an opportunity for you to further impress Emperor Calus. If the community reaches all the above goals, Calus will unlock additional rewards for successful Menagerie completions. Starting when goals are met, players will be guaranteed two rewards when slotting their runes and opening the chest, and an additional reward will be added each Friday for the remainder of the Season.
Good luck, Guardians. We’ll be watching."

Speaking of Menagerie, as Season of Opulence heads into its last month, I recall an article referencing Luke Smith's 'Director's Cut' comments about Seasonal Activities and Rewards. He had mentioned that perhaps Seasonal Activities (like Menagerie) and Seasonal Rewards (Gear that can only be obtained from Seasonal Activities) might go away when the Season ends, or sometimes, in the case of gear, never come back. Is this a good thing for the game? Gear that, for players who missed the Season, they can never acquire? I think I'm probably against this in principle, but the article makes solid arguments for both cases. Give the piece a read here.
Till next time Guardians.